2020 Prayer

Have you given much thought recently to what Jesus prays for you? I hadn’t, but a few days ago it struck me that He was praying for me. So, I asked Him, “Lord, what is your prayer for me this year?” I listened and waited and, in time, I heard.

I belong to a “pack” of 10 women. We have ministered together and lead worship at many events over the last couple of decades. We know each other all too well and have prayed each other through the ups and downs of life. With 10 of us, that translates into a lot of prayers!

When we were rehearsing weekly, we would always spend time in prayer. When it was someone’s birthday, it was our tradition to eat sweets then pray only for the birthday girl. I can’t tell you what it does to your heart when you hear nine people each talk to God specifically about you and for you. It’s surprisingly hard to sit still and let people love you in that way. It often moved the birthday girl to tears.

Right now, Jesus is lifting throne-room prayers for you. He knows you all too well and has fervently prayed you through the ups and downs of life. His continual thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand in all the deserts and seas, and He daily bears your burdens. So great is His care for you!

Imagine listening in on those prayers. It would move us to tears. I believe we can know, at least in part, what He’s praying, but we need to be in the throne room to hear. So, step into the Most Holy Place by His blood and set yourself before Him in stillness and quiet surrender. Lean into Him who is leaning into you so full of tender love, and let Him love you. Ask what’s on His heart for you this year, and ask for ears to hear it. He wants you to know. Ask and it shall be given.

Jesus waits for those who will take time to listen and open themselves to the inconceivable…who will sink into Him in quiet surrender and be swept up into the impossible.

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