Last week a string of words grabbed me and embedded themselves in my mind. They’re found in II Corinthians 13:5. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you? There’s a tone of imploring in those 10 words.
Pam, do you not realize that I, Myself, am in you?
I know this. I lived most of my life knowing this. I’ve talked about it, and I’ve pondered it with wonder. I catch breathtaking glimpses of it, but it’s beyond comprehension and so easily slips through my brain cells. Then one day, God puts it in front of me again and takes me a little further.
How much do I really grasp that Christ Jesus Himself is alive in me? How much do I apprehend of His life and power? How deeply do I comprehend and experience the nearness of His Presence? He walks in the inner garden of my soul and wants me to join Him in conversation and in relationship in every moment and every movement.
O my soul, know this well, know this deeply, know this every moment of every day that Christ Jesus is alive in me!
He is in me as I go about my day. He is in me as I eat and drink, as I run, as I create, as I care for my grandchildren, as I drive the freeway, as I shop and wait in lines, as I surf the internet, as I clean my house and mow my lawn. There is nothing in my day in which He is not a part of and fully present.
I do not realize deeply enough the ramifications of the core truth that Christ Jesus is in me. In great love for my soul, Christ joins Himself to me and puts Himself in me to move me into a place of blessing that I have not yet known. To move me into that blessed place of unbroken union with Him who gave all to become all in all in me. To move me to a deeper place of self death, absolute dependence upon Him and absolute trust in Him. He puts Himself in me to draw me closer to Himself and to do and be more in me than I could ever imagine.
God, keep reminding me and taking me further.